Pigeon racing was around like back away 220 a.d., since the bond between the man, and a stronger country avian disappeared.
Pigeon racing pigeons which special captive bred animals is for speed and performance. It is usually called pigeon racing competed in sports.
Sports, pigeons trained is allowed to cover the distance. Bird winner is determined by measuring the rate of travel of each bird. The final decision received by comparing the speed of any bird. One with the fastest winning rate.
Typically, racing distance pigeons must be covered runs everywhere, 100 km of 1000 km. Although the rules of the race seems straightforward: bird finishes the race first usually wins: these are actually more complicated.
A lot of strict rules of a sport that are attributed to the fact that has been around for centuries. Pigeon racing mainly focus on the rules ensuring racer will not betray that pigeon fastest awarded with the first place.
Rules of sport, as determined by racing pigeons which affect body say: American pigeon racing Union: mainly covers matters which required rules, how to calculate the time died, and how long race. Some of the most important rules are:
-Each race must run in the same location at the same time.
Racer-have to provide proof that he is, indeed, the owner of the doves.
-All pigeons competitor healthy and wear band race.
-All ions must return his loft at the end of the race. Otherwise, he is disqualified.
-The shortest possible distance for each race official is not shorter than 75 miles.
-Race each timeout with electronic scanning systems clock bar. Each clock is used throughout the duration of the race run simultaneously.
-Participants should provide proper ??????? of timers.
-The participants are required to use correctly the timers. Timers should include a clear, timestamps should be easy to read.
-Timers used race should print the time where the return their lofts.
Dead time
-For a very long time races, dead could be called for. Typically, the time of the dead is used to close the race during the night. Dead time begins 30 minutes before sunset, official resumes 30 minutes before sunrise official in an area where he held the race. During this time, stop the clocks. Not all races use long dead though. There are organizations to continue the race during sports without calling time died.
A few important things to help you be Fancier good
-Remember, health important pigeon racing. Don't expect the required a fast if not in terms of good health.
-Tosses usually cannot help training with the performance of the doves. These usually that negatively affect their health.
-It is better to be an excellent pair of doves to the owner of the group does not perform well.
-The heart of your ions, especially young people. Allow them to mature.
-Don't overcrowd your ions. Most diseases and making worse in this manner.
-Always beyond those intelligent. These have no problem finding their lofts.
-Be committed with ions. Train them on a regular basis.
Home PageAn note it is important to competitive PigeonsA Guide to training and competitive racing pigeon PigeonsFuturity DiscussedHow to start with cultivated on racing pigeons and doves 101The basics BudgetRacing narrow Loft design-training your PigeonsAll racing Homing pigeon on a competitive PigeonsTraining RacingHistory racing pigeons to be faster and improve
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