The best course of action is to keep your cage clean. Change the water twice a day in warm weather. No so necessary in the cooler months. Give them water in a type of vessel that they can't bathe in because they will. They will also poop in there. They will throw crap in the water no matte what kind of device you use. It is best to put the water in some kind of container that covers the water. They have them on the Foy's web site.
Make sure that when it rains that your cage doesn't get wet inside. Pigeons need lots of fresh water,dryness, air and sunshine. There should be a way that they can lay in the sun at their will. Which means that they also need shade afforded to them at all times. They need individual perches so they can rest good at night. I could go on since I have had lots of experiences over the last 50 years of keeping sporting pigeons, but I need to close. I hope this helps. There is also a fantastic book at the library by the name of The Pigeon, by Levi, published by Levi Publishing. It is a pigeon keepers bible, check it out!
You have three cock birds, one hen and a baby. Do you see anything peculiar in that list? You should always keep even pairs. Never keep two pairs in one building. You can put one pair, or fifty pairs in any size building. If you only put two pair in the same building they fight all the time. One cock will become dominant and neither pair will raise any babies. If you keep an odd number of one sex or the other then you are asking for trouble. If they are all together the cock bird that is mated and feeding a baby is also fighting off the other two cock birds. They are under a ton of stress. The hen because the odd males are going to be chasing her relentlessly and the baby also. The odd cock birds will chase it so relentlessly that they will peck the feathers off the back of the head and tear the skin open. It is called scalping. It is a common occurrence in lofts with too many
cock birds.
The first thing you want to do is to remove the hen so she will no longer be mated to the roller. There are tens of thousands of pigeons culled each year for minor things. These crosses you are breeding are useless mongrels. People spent hundreds of years breeding and improving pigeons to get both breeds that you have. When crossed they are no better than a feral pigeon.
Ask Foy's for a catalog. It has descriptions of diseases and other really good information. It will help you with keeping your pigeons.
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